How To Get Healthy Hair Between Washes

How often do you wash your hair, especially in the colder months? I discovered a line of hair care products, which showed me how to get healthy hair between washes. Yes, you read that right — healthy hair products that don’t involve actually washing your hair.  Wintertime is here and that usually means lackluster, dry hair, and also hats, earmuffs and scarves to cramp your hairstyles.  One of the main ways I try to combat this cycle and extend my style is by washing my hair less during the winter. This is especially helpful when I travel, so I don’t have … Read more


beauty / haircare / style

18 Fantastic Spring Fashion and Accessories For Women

Attention friends, spring is finally here! After being bundled up all winter long it is finally time to start shedding those layers. The first thing I like to do is a little spring cleaning of my closet (find the best closet organization tips here). I donate clothes that no longer fit or I don’t wear, then I usually add a few new fashions, accessories and shoes to my wardrobe. But how do you know what new pieces to buy and where to shop for them at? To make it easier for you, I created a list of 18 fantastic spring fashion … Read more


fashion / spring fashion / style / women's fashion