Now that a new year is here, and pretty soon many of us will be spring cleaning, it’s the perfect time to organize our homes and lives in general. Start decluttering everything today by printing this free KonMari checklist. It’s simple yet detailed and will take you step by step through the entire process of what to keep and what you should say goodbye to.
This is actually a pretty easy task for me as I don’t have a hard time getting rid of things. In fact, if it doesn’t have a useful place within my home you can guarantee it will be gone almost immediately.
The problem was that there used to be no method to the way I decluttered and organized. Normally I would take a little time each day to quickly go through the house and clean, but once you learn the KonMari method it makes it a lot more intentional.

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What does KonMari mean?
KonMari all started with a woman named Mari Kondo. She became a bit of a celebrity in Japan after creating her life-changing rules and methods for decluttering homes.
Did you know there were rules to tidying up and decluttering your life?
There is a well-known way to declutter and organize your life called the KonMari Method — (I have a FREE printable checklist for you at the bottom of this post).
She encourages you to keep the things that bring you joy and discard the rest, make sure to put that motto on your digital vision board this year!
After finding success as a personal organizer, she wrote a book that quickly became a best-seller.
I read Marie Kondo’s book a few years ago. Her book is called: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.
Even if you haven’t read this book, you may have heard about her Netflix show, “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo“.
Ever since her show came out I have seen people all over social media trying to get rid of all the things in their quest to live more minimally.
How do you declutter KonMari method?
Sometimes when you are drowning in clutter, it’s easy to just feel overwhelmed and not know where to start.
That is where the KonMari method shines! You keep the items that truly bring you joy and throw out the rest. It’s that simple!
Clean up by category vs. location within your home and discard things before starting to put things back.
Here are the three key aspects of KonMari:
- categories
- containers
- joy
1. Organize by Category
The Konmari method teaches you to organize by category, not by room.
This means that you should begin with clothes, like the way I organized my closet, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and last but not least, sentimental items.
Try and focus on keeping only those things that speak to the heart.
So yes, you might be going through your entire house and organizing all the papers, because we all keep papers in various places. But it will help you realize this so going forward you can set up one main place to keep them.
2. Use Containers
Marie Kondo is a huge advocate for baskets, containers and storage bins. Use them and invest in a variety of shapes and sizes to hold what you need.
As you use the containers, label them. This is very important so you can keep your things organized long term.
Her method also teaches you how to make more space by folding your clothes a certain way (which is also helpful when packing for travel) and keeping things in containers that are the right size.
3. Only Keep Things That Spark Joy
Finally, hold and touch everything. This is a key part of her method.
If when you touch it, you feel a spark of joy, keep it! If not, get rid of it. Sounds easy enough right?
In case you are feeling a bit lost on all of this declutter and tidying up talk I have something to help make your life easier.
Get your Printable FREE KonMari Checklist so you can get started decluttering your home plus your life now!