11 Best Blogging Tools To Help You Level Up

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When I first started blogging a while back I have to admit I didn’t really know what I was doing, and I had no idea what blogging tools I needed. I simply wrote about my family, our adventures and more because I genuinely loved to write and wanted to share my travel, parenting and lifestyle tips.

Something I always wished for was a one-size-fits-all how to blog course along with a list of the best blogging tools. That would’ve definitely helped me feel a lot more confident with my website early on. People are often surprised to learn that blogging can be a business, especially if you create informative, relatable, engaging content.

Having support, direction and the right tools can be an integral part to your blog’s success. I want to share some incredible blogging tools that will help you level up. 

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What tools do bloggers use?

Over the last few years I’ve learned it was time to put my entrepreneurial hat on once I realized my little blog could actually be a business. 

Whether it’s creating content, working on photography, or learning, there are some must have tools that can help step up your blogging game. These tips are perfect no matter how long you have been blogging for or if you are just starting out. 

11 Best Blogging Tools

1. Pitch Book Bundle

Want to learn how to pitch to brands and PR agencies so you can monetize your site? You need the ultimate blogger support package. Brandi’s Pitch Book Bundle will provide specific advice on how to write better emails and put yourself out there so you can grow your business.

2. Upgrade Your Photography Equipment

Last year I really wanted to step up my photography game, but I didn’t want to spend a fortune (at least at first). I purchased THIS Canon DSLR camera along with a few great lenses and it has made a world of difference.

If you want some more great camera options for photos and even video then read this post about how to choose the right camera for you.

3. Instagram Strategy Report

Get your Instagram life in order, or at least let my Instagram guru friend LaShawn help you develop a plan of action if you are looking to grow and increase engagement on this visual platform. Her strategy reports are detailed, incredibly insightful and well worth every penny.

There are also tips for Instagram Stories and how to create more engaging behind the scenes content.

4. Blog Business Organizer

If there is one thing I can recommend to any blogger it is this mind-blowing organizational tool. I had the pleasure of meeting the creator, Julie, in person last year at the Permission To Hustle retreat. She gave us a quick tutorial on her Blog Business Organizer and we were immediately sold.

This online magical business organizer has single-handedly transformed the way I run and even look at my website/business each day.

5. Ring Light

I finally broke down and purchased this ring light about a year and a half ago, and I am only upset that I didn’t do it sooner. Ring lights are so helpful not just for photos but when doing video too, especially live video.

A ring light can help impart a more professional light and glow, which translates beautifully on camera and video.

There are even mini ring lights for your smartphone, which I always throw in my purse or carry on bag when I travel.

6. Picture Play e-Book

Even though I finally broke down and got a DSLR I still heavily rely on my iPhone for a lot of my pictures, especially when I am traveling.

This Picture Play e-book will show you how to use your phone along with free and inexpensive apps to create photos you will love and want to frame or share.

7. Handheld Smartphone Gimbal 

This handheld smartphone gimbal device is pretty much an on-the-go storyteller, as it was made to help you film with your smartphone while keeping it stabilized and steady. It provides 15 hours of battery life while also charging your phone.

There is even a Beautify mode which helps ensure that you look great in front of the camera no matter where in the world you may be.

8. Tailwind

If you are using Pinterest then you should definitely be signed up for and utilizing Tailwind. Tailwind saves you time by allowing you to schedule content to Pinterest and Instagram. This way you can be sure to post at the best times for engagement, grow with Tribes and receive actionable analytics.

Sign up here for a free month, and then if you decide to stay with (which I’m sure you will) there are monthly or yearly plans to choose from.

9. Mediavine

Mediavine, especially more than ever, is pretty much considered ‘blogger goals”. They are an elite powerhouse family of websites whose mission is to help content creators build sustainable businesses.

Mediavine offers incredible customer service, as well as SEO tools and tips, networking opportunities and strategies to help bloggers grow their traffic. 

10. USB Microphone

More bloggers than ever before are getting involved in podcasting, live videos, YouTube and more. If you want to record and stream in a professional way then the Yeti Blackout is what you need to create amazing, crystal clear recordings.

11. A Reliable and Powerful Laptop

There is one thing that gets used the most every day as a blogger, and that is my laptop. I have a MacBook Pro which I never leave home without. It’s perfectly portable for travel, yet it is a complete powerhouse that keeps up with my busy lifestyle and workload.

I often see bloggers asking for computer recommendations, and as a person who has tried a wide variety of them, I can easily say MacBook is the way to go.

Now that you have this list of must-have blogging tools, it’s time to start creating more fabulous content to share with the world. What are some other tools that you would add to this list?

Have you seen the new adventures and look my website has gotten this year? 




blogging / blogging business tools / Blogging tips

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