How Travel Has Ruined My Life

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Do you love to travel?

People usually talk about and share all the beautiful and picturesque things related to travel. More recently than ever I am realizing there is also another side (at least for me). A side that has impacted my life in ways I couldn’t have predicted and never expected.

Remember how I told you there is a truth behind my smile?

Traveling has been one of the most beautiful journeys in my life, but I need to be honest and share how travel has ruined my life. 

Over the last few years I have traveled more in my life than ever before. Whether it’s for a family vacation, a girls trip, with my husband or solo, there are admittedly some months I am away more than inside of my own house.

Although I have a very supportive family, it’s me who lately feels this internal struggle of never completely feeling at home. 

Travel Ruined My LifeTravel Ruined My Life

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Here Is How Travel Has Ruined My Life (and maybe you can relate):

  • I am no longer content to simply be at home. Whenever there is a break in my travel schedule and I am home for an extended period of time, I feel restless. My husband and I recently discussed how traveling so often has conditioned  me to think I should constantly be on-the-go. 
  • Instead of feeling exhausted and making myself rest after traveling, I sometimes feel edgy and a bit depressed, especially if I don’t have any travel to look forward to. 
  • People have shamed me for travel at times (you can read about being shamed in this way here).
  • Extreme wanderlust has taken over and my mind often is often filled with thoughts of where to travel to next.
  • Frequent travel has made me feel less attached to things, including my own home. My family knows if I had my way we would have already sold our house. 
  • I crave food that can only be found on practically the opposite side of the world (eat once in Rome and you will know what I mean). 
  • Sometimes my passion for travel exceeds our budget. I am pretty good at finding the best airfare prices (see my tips here), but there are times when I have exceeded the limit to make a trip possible. 
  • This may sound a bit ironic, but travel has made me quieter. For the most part I am usually a talkative, outgoing person. Solo travel has shown me a side of myself I didn’t know existed. I used to be afraid to take a plane or explore a new country on my own, but now I welcome those opportunities to travel alone and get lost in my own thoughts. 
  • Traveling has made me forget sometimes that I don’t need to go far in order to experience new things.

Now even though I am sharing some negative things about travel, it is beautiful in so many other ways. 

My teenage son and I went to Amsterdam last year and it was one of the best experiences ever!

I am fortunate to have discovered ways to make travel happen so often for my family and I. But I can promise you travel isn’t always palm trees, rainbows, sunshine and Insta-worthy photos. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable and may even change you in ways you never imagined, just like it has for me. 

Do you love to travel? Has traveling ever ruined your life in some way? 

Here is some travel inspiration plus ideas for you:

  1. 5 Long Weekend Getaway Ideas
  2. How To Search Smarter to Avoid Scams When Booking Hotels Online
  3. How To Travel To Paris on a Budget






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