4 Ways To Be Present During The Holiday Season

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This conversation is sponsored by Vick’s available at Walmart. All opinions are my own.

The holiday season is here and that means my family is busier than ever and often on the go! Between holiday pictures, winter concerts at school, baking cookies with friends, parties and more, there is one thing I don’t have time for, and that is being sick. With cold and flu season here along with many other distractions during this time, I want to share my tips for 4 ways to be present during the holiday season.

4 Ways To Be Present During The Holiday Season

1. Make sure to stock up and get your Vicks holiday fix.

With all of the events during the holiday season you will want to be present and not sick so you don’t have to miss a thing.

Unfortunately this is prime time for coughs, colds and the flu to try to keep you down, but thanks to Vicks at Walmart you can get relief from even your toughest symptoms.

I am a big fan of the new VapoCool products which provide a rush of Vick’s vapors, so you can get back to feeling like celebrating the season with those you love.

2. Unplug and enjoy a few silent nights throughout the season.

There is usually so much happening that sometimes you forget to take time to take care of yourself, which can make you feel run down and eventually sick. Before it gets to that point where you feel overwhelmed, carve out some time throughout the holidays to unplug, practice self-care and recharge.

3. Save time where you can so you can spend more of your holiday season being present with the people you love most.

Two things that can take up a lot of time leading up to the holidays are shopping and wrapping presents. Make life easier and accept the free shipping and wrapping offers wherever you can.

If you are hosting for the holidays, or need some last-minute essentials, use Walmart’s Online Grocery Pickup so you don’t even have to waste any time walking around the store. Simply place your order online at grocery.walmart.com, select your pickup time, and then your order will be delivered right to your car when you arrive. Saving time is a gift that keeps on giving.

4. Make a list and check it twice.

Be present when tackling your holiday shopping list instead of aimlessly wandering around stores.

Get organized and make a list before you shop.

Also, don’t forget to include sickness essentials when shopping, which you can save on Vicks at WalmartI know my family will all be getting Vicks VapoRub in their stockings this year, as it is one of my favorite ways to soothe and help relieve coughs with the common cold.

Here’s how you can save on Vicks at Walmart:

Do you have any special holiday traditions? How do you relax, decompress and make sure you stay present and not overwhelmed during the season?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Vicks at Walmart. The opinions and text are all mine.

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cold / cough and cold / holiday season / holidays / medicine / Vicks

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